Friday, May 21, 2010

Stop The Rocking

Our Motor Home doesn’t have leveling jacks so when the wind blows our MH rocks back and forth. There are several options however few fit within our budget.

The option we chose were screw jacks that can withhold 6,000 each. We first placed them under the MH frame at each of the wheel locations. This helped somewhat until we had 65 MPH winds. The location of the jacks caused the center of gravity to be smaller making the MH feel as if it would tip over with every gust of wind beyond 65 MPH.


Move the jacks to the edge of the MH. This would require beefing up the areas of contact of the jacks. We purchased 2 inch channel iron and 1/4 inch flat iron to do the beefing. This would prevent the areas of contact from crimping or bending.


Four 8"x9"x4" Concrete Blocks (cost 10.58)
Set of Four 6,000 lb. Jacks (cost $38.00)
4' Channel Iron 16" 1/4" Flat iron (cost $10.87)

2 inch channel iron inside each bay above the contact point of the jacks.zzz 003

4”x4”x1/4” flat iron screwed to bay frame below installed channel irons. Jacks contact points.

zzz 002Jack and 8”x9”x4” concrete block.

zzz 001

Center of gravity moved towards the outer edge of the Motor Home. zzz

The object is not to lift the Motor Home off the ground but rather stabilize the MH against wind gust that caused rocking of the RV.


Margie M. said...

Hope the jacks you've rigged up will help with the windy days. Otherwise you can begin singing Rock-a-Bye-Baby.

Truly, I hope this will work out well for you. Enjoy the weekend ahead!

KarenInTheWoods said...

That was really good thinking to adapt the frame to allow better spacing of the jacks. Great idea!

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard